the freshman gardener
Winter Blues: How a gardener keeps them away
It’s been raining and cold here where I live for weeks and weeks. The fog has hovered over my little town without an end in sight. My house plants are desperately missing the sun and truthfully, so am I. This last week I have found myself feeling very tired and down. The gardener winter blues have hit.
I miss my garden and being outside (comfortably). My plants and shrubs have bronzed a bit and what were once lush green leaves are now brown droopy wet globs. My lawn is growing moss and the voles and ground mice are taking over little by little. (This vole problem has caused my brain so much unnecessary stress. I hate those little rodents).
When I start to feel this way, I find it a little appeasing to look up some garden inspiration and plan for spring. Pinterest is my main source of inspiration. I could spend hours scrolling through gardens and landscapes and researching how to grow certain plants and flowers. It makes me excited for spring. I thought I’d share a little inspiration with you, and hopefully, it gives you a little boost in this dreary weather.
I have been swooning over rocks lately. Weird I know, but stone paths and walkways, big boulders, and stepping stones are catching my eye.
I love a good pot, especially gigantic ones that look natural. Terra Cotta, cement, woven, and even some light ceramic ones catch my eye. Lately, I’ve been paying a lot of attention to trees in pots. They look expensive, high-end, and clean.
Arbors and Arches
Something I want to add to my garden this year is an arbor or archway. They creat extra gardening space, add texture and vertical interest, and have a cozy feel. I’ve seen them made of wood or metal. There are many DIY options online as well.
Winter has just begun, but hopefully these little ideas push you through the bleakness like they have for me. I’m already planning my own arbor and some chicken coop window boxes for next spring. In the meantime, if your ground isn’t frozen and you haven’t had any rain, water your trees and shrubs. They would probably love it.
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