Just hearing about spider mites makes my skin crawl. If you have plants, chances are high you have probably dealt with spider mites at some point. I have a lemon tree that they love and out of all my houseplants, that is the one they like to stick to the most. What are Spider Mites…
How to Read a Moisture Meter
One of the basic necessities of having house plants, is having and learning to read a moisture meter. Sure, you can stick your finger in the soil but how accurate is that? Plus you’ll have to dig the dirt out from under your fingernails and my way is a lot easier. Most moisture meters can…
Finding You Local Extension Office
Anytime I had a gardening question for my brother-in-law (who has a full acre vegetable garden), he would tell me to call my extension office and ask them. I used to think that was strange. Why couldn’t he just give me the answer? Turns out, extension offices are a great resource for your county, sharing…
Bronzing 101
Bronzing is one of those plant things that used to freak me out. It’s basically when your outdoor plants begin to change colors to an orange/bronze instead of green. It’s usually because of weather conditions in that little plants microclimate that bring on this change. What Does Bronzing Look Like? This is a boxwood in…
Microclimates 101
A microclimate can affect your gardening in the same way that growing zones can. While growing zones are important to know, microclimates are what really make a difference in what you can grow in your garden and what you can’t. A microclimate is a localized climate condition within your growing zone that influences how plants…
Peonies 101
Peonies are my absolute favorite flower. I’ve loved them for years and years, even before I started gardening. They are one of the most popular cut flowers for a reason. They’re gorgeous! Peonies have big fluffy petals and come in a wide variety of colors. They’re relatively easy to grow and are perennials so they…
January Garden Checklist
The January garden checklist is just as important as the other months, even in the dead of winter. The nice thing is that we’re a bit closer to spring and the days are starting to slowly get longer. When it’s cold however, it’s easy to forget (or avoid) the things we can still do as…
Tubers, Corms, & Rhizomes
Tuber Tubers, corms, and rhizomes are kind of like bulbs. (Look back to these blog posts HERE and HERE to learn more about bulbs). They are the life source and nutrient storage for plants, each with different characteristics. They also provide ways to mulitply the plant into new plants. The best way to describe a…
Raised Garden Beds
Raised garden beds are both beautiful and functional. Winter is the best time to gather inspiration and plan for the spring growing season. Here are some ideas to get you started on your raised beds next season. Wood This is probably the most common type of raised garden bed. The kind of wood you use…
Gardener Winter Blues
It’s been raining and cold here where I live for weeks and weeks. The fog has hovered over my little town without an end in sight. My house plants are desperately missing the sun and truthfully, so am I. This last week I have found myself feeling very tired and down. The gardener winter blues…